• To Morocco, with Love

    Morocco has been the most challenging place I’ve ever visited to sum up in a couple of posts. It’s also the place I’ve gotten the most questions about and so I tried to give some inside perspective in a previous post, and I feel like all that did was give the wrong impressions of my

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  • The Day I Won the Lottery

    found on Pinterest I was recently interviewed by a Pakistani magazine about my travels (and quitting my job to travel), and while it was very exciting, it also makes me feel like such a pretentious and privileged asshole. Sometimes I don’t really think about what I’ve been afforded in life thanks to my color and

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  • Five Things I Learned From Travel

    Travel is one of the best educations I’ve ever received and one thing that I feel like I absolutely get my money’s worth. Over the past eight years, I’ve jetted off to some of the far corners of the earth to see and experience some amazing things, and in the interim, I also managed to

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  • Hardened and Broken in Morocco

    One thing I find I have a hard time doing while traveling is writing extensively about my feelings or reactions to a place when I am there. In most of Europe, it’s been easy enough for me to sum up after leaving: this place was amazing; this place was beautiful; I can’t wait to see

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  • My Travel Photography Kit

    source For as long as I can remember, photography has been a part of my life. Before the age of digital cameras, I routinely carried a film camera with me everywhere I went–snapping photos of everything I could. I can’t even imagine the amount of money my parents spent on developing my endless photos of

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  • Self-Discovery Through Travel

    Months ago I wrote a post about leaving it all behind–packing my life into boxes and putting them into a storage unit; quitting my job; leaving a stable life full of friends and loved ones–and hitting the road. I didn’t know what the next few months would hold for me. I knew that they’d include

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  • Shocked in Germany

    I write this knowing exactly how ridiculous and unfounded it is—but for as long as I can remember I’ve had a particular bias against Germany and Germans (said by a girl whose ancestry is hugely German). I have always disliked the language, have thought of Germans as harsh and cold people, and haven’t had any

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  • Humankind(ness)

    When you travel for a while, you encounter all manner of people, and I’m sad to say that sometimes those encounters can sour you on humankind. I’ve always wanted to believe that every person is truly good at heart, but when I look at the state of the world, I know that it’s naïve of

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  • Girls’ Getaway Birthday Extravaganza in Montreal

    As my 30th birthday loomed, I knew that I wanted to do something kind of special for it. It was my entrance into spinsterhood—a life destined to be lead in solitude—one in which I’d acquire a lot of cats without realizing it, and spend my days eating lean cuisines, sitting in a La-Z boy, and

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