Foodie Friday: Whale Steak

Let the controversy begin!

I ate whale. 

Not an entire whale. Not even a whole whale steak. Just one bite. Just enough to taste and to form a “I like this” or “I hate this” opinion.

Whale Steak

Before I went to Iceland, I knew that there were a few foods I could try there that I’d never eaten before: reindeer, puffin, hákarl, horse, and whale. I sort of toyed with the idea of trying some of them, unsure if I actually would. I’m a very mind-over-matter kind of gal, and if you feed me something without telling me what it is, I’ll try it. If you tell me, “here, eat this rabbit” before handing me a plate, I’m probably going to have a hard time putting it across the threshold of my lips. Part of this is because I’m not accustomed to eating those things–it isn’t part of my culture.

I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to try any of these Icelandic delicacies; my mind teetered back and forth between “when in Rome” and “ew, that’s gross.” The “ew, that’s gross” won out for most things, but when my dining companion was swayed by the waitress to order the house specialty–a divine whale steak–I thought, well, here’s my chance to taste it.

I recently wrote a guest post on my friend Meg‘s blog about some random foods (whale included) that I’ve tasted while traveling, and while the abundance of responses have been the troll-y “That’s not weird! I’ve eaten chicken pudding with a side of spiders drizzled with bird shit!”, there have been a few touching on the cruelty of eating whale.

Earlier on the trip, I’d gone on a whale watching tour where they discussed the very controversial topic of whaling (which you can read more about if you follow that link). I left that tour feeling like Icelanders had a handle on it, and that maybe it’d be okay to give it a chance.

In the end, I’m glad I tried it. I didn’t care for it and will likely never try it again, but I gave it a fair chance. Oh, and it was like a regular steak, but kind of fattier. And I’m not a fan of steak (yeah, I’m weird), so that probably explains why I didn’t care for it.

Author: Megan

Megan is an ordinary girl who outgrew her small town and decided to try the world on for size. She's on a mission to travel, photograph, and write about the world.

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