• How to Work Full-Time and Still Travel the World

    A couple of weeks ago I was having a Twitter conversation with a personal friend about travel when she caught me off-guard: she thought I was still traveling full-time and writing freelance to fund my travels. While that was the case not so long ago, I have been working full-time again for longer than I’d

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  • What to Wear in India

    Before I left for India, I scoured the internet trying to find anything I could get my hands on regarding what to wear. I didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, but I also didn’t want to totally change up my style and pack things I wouldn’t be comfortable in for several weeks

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  • Building in Some Downtime

    Probably my biggest regret in past travels was never giving myself some time to relax. Nobody really tells you how exhausting long-term and fast travel can be–you think you can keep going on this adrenaline rush, and maybe you can for a little while, but then you just sort of bottom out. And it’s miserable.

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  • What to Wear: Montreal Winter

    Ah, Montreal, a city that quickly captured my heart last winter despite its arctic chill. I wasn’t prepared for the level of cold I was in store for traveling there in mid-December. I thought that coming from Pennsylvania would be preparation enough–how different could it be? But oh, how I was wrong. The bone-chilling, eye-burning,

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  • What to Pack: Top 10 Travel Essentials

    Packing is typically people’s least favorite part of travel. Traveling for several months straight and unpacking and repacking my bag every few days has given me some insight on things that can make not only packing, but traveling a bit easier. Here are my top travel essentials! What do you not leave home without? TSA

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  • How to Photograph the Northern Lights

    Seeing the Northern Lights was one of my all-time favorite experiences. It was one of those things I’d dreamed about for years and after watching them for a bit, I wanted some photos to remember the experience. Photographing the Northern Lights isn’t difficult, but it takes the right equipment, the right weather, the right settings,

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  • What to Wear in Philadelphia

    Philadelphia can experience a wide range of temperatures and weather patterns especially in the summertime. If you’re spending a day exploring the city, be sure to wear something kind of lightweight that breathes because the humidity can be overwhelming sometimes. Pack a sweater or bring one along in the evening as the temperatures can get

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  • What to Wear in Roatan, Honduras

    I’m currently in Roatan, Honduras, soaking up the sun and trying my hand at snorkeling, paddle boarding, and scuba diving! But before you get to read about all of those adventures, I thought I’d share a little packing list with you!

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